Does Your Business BLOCK The Content Cash Cow?

Does Your Business BLOCK The Content Cash Cow?


Blocking the Content Cash CowAre you sabotaging business opportunities by blocking employees from creating content online? Do you create conditions that enable them to create and share content online?

Content Is Currency

Without regular content creation your online presence is like a theater that re-runs just one movie. If your competition is creating more content online, via blog posts, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook etc.; It is certain (either immediately or in time) that they will have more online visibility.

Consistent content publishing creates opportunities to connect and engage with your customers as well as attract new leads. Every status update and social sharing has the potential to become a conversation piece. Customers, both current and potential, get the chance to exchange views about the value you provide.

Conversation IS Content too

Content thus begets more content and conversation around your brand, both online and offline. The published online conversation, by your customers, is content too.

As a marketing and lead generation tool, along with it’s customer outreach, service and retention aspects, content publishing is the equivalent of online currency.

Empower employees to publish currency

Consistent publication of quality content is a challenge even with a dedicated team. Why not leverage your available resources and let your employees create content for you? Learn which employee does it better than others and how.

Your employees are among the most informed about your business activities. Have you enabled them to create and distribute a repository of FAQ’s, knowledge base articles etc.?

Can you find a way to co-opt your employees using blogs, twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Google plus etc., into online marketing efforts? Of course, this also means allowing them the time to do so.

From Visibility to Attention

The past couple of years or so has allowed social media platforms as well as the interactions that happen there, to mature.

A huge amount of time online is now spent on Social media platforms. Social media is an increasingly integral part of daily behavior, from trading recipes to organizing revolutions. Content creation and sharing on these platforms have very small learning curves. Everyone is/can be a content creator.

Technological innovations will only make social media interactions ubiquitous. Content publication and distribution will only get easier. With the explosion in content, businesses that establish a lead in publishing content that not only creates visibility, but also captures attention, will prosper.

It is prudent to start NOW!

Is your business ready?

Aren’t social media platforms cost-effective to empower your people, transfer their knowledge, and provide value to your customers both internal and external? After all, it makes sense to go where your customers are.

As social sharing and content creation increases, blocking social media access will soon be equivalent to blocking internet access; allowing the competition to get ahead of you in online visibility. You may not be able to block social media sites without hindering your employees ability at research, training, hiring and development.

Is your business

Written by Jacob Varghese (13 Posts)

I help my clients with digital strategies that grow their business. My digital marketing campaigns leverage appropriate technology choices, targeted communication methodologies and metrics driven marketing tactics (SEO, SEM, Social media outreach etc) to amplify brand/product messages, build brand/product-centric communities, establish partner relations and accelerate customer acquisition. For more visit: Digital Marketing Consultant, Ottawa, Canada.


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